Everyday Generosity

2024 Stewardship Pledge

Who Are We? Many times, the answer to that question about any group or organization can be found in what they do, especially in what they do for others. As a church body, we the people of Norcross First Global Methodist Church, proudly proclaim that we worship, grow, connect, and serve. Serving God and others is what we do, and we do it in many ways. But it takes ALL of us, doing our part, to best serve the Lord and His people through our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. A vital area of ministry that God calls each of us to do is to serve Him through our finances. Paul’s words in his second letter to the followers in Corinth always come to my mind when I think of giving financially to the church. In 2 Corinthians 9:7-8 Paul wrote, “Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.”

We have been truly blessed by your financial giving in 2023, and we thank you! We are setting our 2024 budget and once again will be providing Pledge Cards for you to prayerfully consider and fill out. You can print the card by clicking below or you can pick one up at Sunday worship. Please turn in your card at Sunday worship or contact Nancy Garrison (nancy@norcrossfirst.org) with your pledge amount. We ask God to bless you and your gift as it will be a blessing to many people and places around the world.


Worship. Grow. Connect. Serve. That’s who we are!

2024 Stewardship Pledge Card

Your giving changes lives.

Because of your generous giving, Norcross First is reaching the world with the truth of God’s Word. Together, we’re providing life-giving ministries, helping churches in underserved communities, and leading global outreach efforts to transform lives within our church and beyond. Below are different ways your faithful giving continues to impact the kingdom.

Ways To Give

Online Giving

The easiest way for you to give is here! Click below to give once or to set up a recurring payment. There you can choose to give to either the "Ministry Plan" or to "Missions-Faith Promise" in the drop down button.

Give Online

Text Giving

Text "norcrossfirst" and any amount (ex: norcrossfirst 200) to 73256 to complete a gift. Text giving is great for quick, easy, onetime gifts. Text giving will automatically save your payment information for future gifts. 

Mail/ In-Person Giving

You are always welcome to bring your gifts by the church during office hours, or mail your gifts to the attention of Nancy Garrison. Collection boxes are also available at every worship service. Make checks payable to

"Norcross First GMC".

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